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Our Clean Energy Campus sustainable assets turn waste streams into revenue streams, produce clean power, lower carbon emissions, conserve water, preserve land and produce sustainable food for local communities.
Through strategic partnerships with Overwatch Capital, and ReHUB, PowerGrow is able to develop and operate these high-tech/clean-tech sustainable real estate assets that will generate multiple revenue streams from each facility.
Each asset provides a Single-Tenant, Triple Net Lease real estate revenue stream. PowerGrow has designed each facility to turn waste streams into revenue streams and optimize operations. These assets will produce long-term (20+ years) revenue streams with attractive returns for our investors.
The integration of these clean-tech/high-tech facilities reduces Capital and Operating Expenses, and increases the Net Operating Income of each of the sustainable assets.

Our Clean Energy Powered Greenhouses are powered with waste to energy biogas-based electricity, generated by our clean power plants. The greenhouse operations use the ReHUB Data Center waste heat, to heat and cool the greenhouse operations all year long.
By capturing the CO2 from the fuel cell power plant and injecting it into the greenhouse, we create a "Carbon Sink” for the data center and clean energy fuel cell power plant. The CO2 also increases plant yield by 10% - 15% to increase grower revenue and profitability for our grower partners.

Our strategic partner ReHUB develops high-density data centers. By capturing the waste heat from the data center, and injecting it into our digester-fuel cell clean power plants, we create a secondary revenue stream for the data center.
Because our fuel cells act as the guaranteed back up power system for the greenhouse ReHUB is able t reduce CapEx and OpEx, while maximize Net Operating Income for the data center. Power Increases ROE and Reduces OpEx
The integration of these technologies creates a High-Density, Green Data Canter and enables ReHUB to provide green data center services to customers.

PowerGrow's Modular Anaerobic Digester, Battery Storage and Fuel Cell Power Plants turn organic waste streams into revenue streams through the capture of methane and converting it into biogas-based electricity.
PowerGrow uses the data center waste heat for digester optimization and increased gas yield, which dramatically increases Revenue, reduces OpEx and increases Net Operating Income.
The Clean Energy Power Plant generates additional revenue by providing the guaranteed back up power for the data center, during times of grid outages.